Signed up to AFF back in November and…

Signed up to AFF back in November and…

Signed up to AFF back in November and after a few small hiccups doing alright now on the site. I always knew it had good potential and stuck with it through the quieter times. Usually pays off and its the case here again. Been laid twice (well three times if you count twice with the same girl) so it will work if you work at it and I like that I can go out on the pull with the lads and if things are looking slow out and about then I just open the site on my iphone and start looking for other ways to get my rocks off. Usually the guys end up going home alone and I'll be chatting to some horny babe until whatever time online or as has happened on a couple of occasions ill disappear and leave them while I go to meet a girl from the site in the town centre. Wish I had sites like this as a teenager, would have spent a lot less time jacking off thats for shizzle.

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